Xmas Live special recorded in Radio Days event 2024

Join us for a LIVE Podcast Recording

5.55 PM GMT Every Sunday

Autistic Conversation – Our Autism

We Speak – Our words – We Listen

Spectrum Voices Conversation presents “Live Unmasked – 15th December 2024”.
Facebook posts shared and discussed. Some with Christmas theme.
Contributions from:
Recorded on Sunday 15th December 2024.
(Podcast runtime – 45 minutes)


Every Sunday Spectrum Voices 6PM UK 1PM EST in USA
Open Meeting – Harry`s Facebook

Raw Authentic Autistic Unscripted Unedited. 
Sometimes difficult subjects but most people will be comfortable with our choices. 
Short Edited Version Published as podcasts
Are you involved in or can recommend a neurodivergent project to encourage?
We are all autistic and make our recordings in a very appropriate method for the neurodivergent community. Lets co-operate !


Listen to podcasts Link HERE ……

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Autistic Autism Radio

30-40 minutes Edited from our live broadcast

Alternatively you can experience the out-takes and our public meeting in a longer version.  

Replay Live Broadcasts Unedited including open meeting at the start

Improved sound however…All the silences stutters altered sentences repeats and laughter preserved as an example of the Raw recording that You could join.

Autistic Radio also Hosts:

Autistic Adult Drop In

4.44 PM Every Sunday,

Welcome page and link to join in Sunday-Drop-in-4-44pm

a group of autistic people get together and drop in.  It’s an informal group, um,

Its not designed as a podcast but some of the things that people say deserve a bigger audience. Some give permission to publish clips of thoughts and experiences in an edit.

Conversations that we have about our own autism. 

              Cheers. Enjoy…..


Welcome page and link to join in Sunday-Drop-in-4-44pm

Adult Autism Drop in Sunday 4.44 PM

Every week we are reliable.

Autistic Adults drop by to discuss what`s on their mind.

Supporting each other through shared experience.

This edit gives a flavour of a slow gentle conversation but we have taken out the long silences. 

Drop in any week you like from the link on our website.

No booking or appointments No cameras

Text and voices. Silence is cool too !


Welcome page and link to join in Sunday-Drop-in-4-44pm


Podcast streams

The-Big-Autism-Conversation-ABA-PBS-Behaviour-Analysis Ep1-22

Explain-Me-Autism Ep1-10

Jim-Taylor-Knows-Autism Ep1-5

Short-Intros-to…….. Ep1-15

A-Seat-at-The-Table Ep1-10

The Late Late Diagnosis Show Ep1-10


Do you have something to share?

We will enable your “voice”



ABA PBS Autism The Conversation 20 episode series LINK PAGE



“I just think it’s a really good idea that you’re taking this initiative to speak to different people and encourage dialogue and just makes it so much easier not to speak past each other.”

” It hasn’t turned out exactly how I expected. What I found is that there’s a nice group of people who have found behaviorism to explain a lot of things.”


The-Big-Autism-Conversation-ABA-PBS-Behaviour-Analysis UK-SBA

It is possible to have this important conversation co-operatively



ABA PBS Autism The Conversation 20 episode series LINK PAGE

Are you someone who can speak to us with equity in the communication?

It is time to have an exchange of knowledge from Behaviourists to the Autistic Community and from the Autistic community to the Behaviourists.

Our audio model makes this possible if you are willing.


The big conversation we need to have in autism is the one about behaviourism.

Our project here is opening channels of communication.



ABA PBS Autism The Conversation 20 episode series LINK PAGE


Jules Autistic Radio

                   “I want to change ABA.

I don’t know how or what is the thing I want to change yet.  I just know that I want to know enough about it so that I can, bring something to it.  

So I can bring some piece of knowledge that I know from my childhood or from my adult life as an autistic person.

I want to change it somehow, even though I don’t know what that change is yet. 

                   “Is that going to happen?

Andrew Swartfigure 

UK-SBA website link

Well,  the short answer is the opportunity is there for that discourse.  Rather than dance around the houses, I’m going to say yes, but I just don’t know how long it will take.


The big conversation we need to have in autism is the one about behaviourism.

Our project here is opening channels of communication.

ALL The Other Episodes on this page 0-20


Join us for a LIVE Autistic Conversation

about our autism.

Every Sunday Spectrum Voices 6PM UK 1PM EST in USA
Open Meeting – Harry`s Facebook

Raw Authentic Autistic Unscripted Unedited. 
Sometimes difficult subjects but most people will be comfortable with our choices. 
Short Edited Version Published as podcasts
Are you involved in or can recommend a neurodivergent project to encourage?
We are all autistic and make our recordings in a very appropriate method for the neurodivergent community. Lets co-operate !


Listen to podcasts Link HERE ……

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